
Thursday, 8 September 2016

Things That Make Me Go Yay! : Bargain Cashmere

Often when I'm browsing the internet I come across things that make me go "Yay!" to myself (usually in the early hours of the morning), and I make a mental note to write a post about them at some time in the future.  Then, guess what?, I usually forget all about them.... Well folks, that was the old me.  I am now making an actual note of any such occurrences to ensure I let my lovely readers in on the secrets. 

Today's "Yay!" moment is
H&M's Cashmere.  Not really much of a secret I know but well worth talking about.  Their pieces are top quality cashmere at very reasonable prices (for Cashmere).  Just be aware that once you've worn cashmere you won't want to go back to wearing acrylic or itchy wool sweaters..
Plus if you didn't know already, H&M offer a fabulously quick delivery service which is free to all orders over £50 plus free returns. (Yay!)


  1. Sue, I didn't know that H&M offered cashmere, so thanks. I love the grey one at the top and the V-neck beige. Mmmmm off to explore x


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