
Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Slogan Tees

Hmmm, not really sure why I like Tees and Sweatshirts with slogans but I do!  You'd have thought with 3 boys I would have had my fill of logos and graphics on tops but I haven't yet.  They add a certain edgy vibe to an outfit don't you think?

Here are some of the slogan tee/sweatshirt outfits that I have pinned recently...

Similar here 

Similar here

Available here from Forever21 £12

Similar here

The iconic Bella Freud "1970" jumper here (save up first!)
And here are some which are available to buy now..

Slogan tees 1
Left to Right:
Love, Dream Tee £7.99 New Look; Sunday Brunch Tee £7.99 Mango; Life is Better Tee £7.99 New Look;
Hey Tee £7.99 New Look

Slogan Tees 2
Top Row, Left to Right:
Le Mot Juste Tee £9.99 Mango; Hello Summer Tee £9.99 Mango; Heart Striped Tee £8.99 Mango;
Nouveau Noir Tee £7.49 Mango
Bottom Row:
Left: Gorgeous Image Tee £9.99 Mango; Bonne Chance Sweatshirt £19.99 Mango
Have fun adding some wit and/or wisdom to your outfits!



  1. I'm with you Sue. I love a slogan Tee - not too much going on though, just a wee bit. I live the 'holy chic' one. Lorraine x

    1. Ooh yes Lorraine, definitely keep it simple! I have only one in my wardrobe to date ;) Sue xx


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